Today I took a little time to make a graph of the last firing. I wanted to see where I might make changes. The left hand column is in degrees F. in 100 degree increments, and the bottom represents each passing hour. It was a 20 hour firing. I want to lengthen the firing 2-4 hours and you can see here where the climb is a bit steep so that’s where I’ll be paying particular attention. The second red line is the salt chamber. So far, I am more satisfied with it’s results than the wood chamber. Lots to learn.
Firing Graph
Today I took a little time to make a graph of the last firing. I wanted to see where I might make changes. The left hand column is in degrees F. in 100 degree increments, and the bottom represents each passing hour. It was a 20 hour firing. I want to lengthen the firing 2-4 hours and you can see here where the climb is a bit steep so that’s where I’ll be paying particular attention. The second red line is the salt chamber. So far, I am more satisfied with it’s results than the wood chamber. Lots to learn.