Scrumpie…m-m-m Good!

Inspired by my old friend Ken Hussell over in Conderton, I came back from England determined to make some alcoholic cider from our locals apples. Sadly, it has been a very weak crop, but we pressed what we could today and got 4 or 5 gallons all together. We used this great old chipper/grinder/press and enjoyed some beautiful autumnal weather at Jason and Lisa’s farm. I’m looking for more apples if your nearby and know of any.
After a couple of weeks I’ll add sugar to the juice and then wait a few months while it does it’s magic. Stay tuned…

What sort of footwear do you wear to write your blog? I read a review of a book on blogging recently…6 years ago there were 100,000 blogs…today there are 184 million!!!

8 Responses to “Scrumpie…m-m-m Good!”

  1. Aaron Sober


    My father has been making hard cider every fall for the last 15 years or so. If you need any tips let me know and i’ll drop you his email. watch put before the cider bug bites you.

  2. jimgottuso

    nothing like hard cider… my sister used to run and orchard so there was always plenty. i blog barefoot, it’s the newest craze… barefoot blogging

  3. Incognito

    I often start out blogging with shoes but then after I get comfortable the shoes fly off and I kick back. Barefoot blogging; I like that!

  4. Hollis Engley

    Barefoot blogging tonight, as well, Daniel. I remember a great conversation with Georgie’s dad a few years ago in Conderton, with him describing with great hilarity the effects of scrumpie consumption on the legs. Drink sitting down.


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