I pass through a farm gate to get to my studio and I keep a key on a nail inside a hollow in a nearby tree. Today as I started to reach in for it I was greeted by this black snake! Luckily it was sticking it’s head out to smell the roses, or I’d have stuck my hand right into it’s mid-section! I have a rather biblical response to all snakes…not my favorite! You can see the key on the lower right.
I have a short drive to my country hideaway (11 miles) and the view quickly changes from old town architecture to vinyl suburbia and then vast fields of corn and soybeans, all before I venture into the woods and my studio. Just now the farmers are working long hours harvesting the corn crop and the smell that it leaves in the air is truly of the earth.
I’m on the cusp, at the tipping point, on the verge of beginning a new cycle of making pots for a November firing. Once I start throwing, obsession kicks in and I lose interest in other projects, so I’m wrapping up my display building and getting the studio ready to roll. Autumn is here and the energy level is high!