Scrumpie…m-m-m Good!

Inspired by my old friend Ken Hussell over in Conderton, I came back from England determined to make some alcoholic cider from our locals apples. Sadly, it has been a very weak crop, but we pressed what we could today and got 4 or 5 gallons all together. We used this great old chipper/grinder/press and enjoyed some beautiful autumnal weather at Jason and Lisa’s farm. I’m looking for more apples if your nearby and know of any.
After a couple of weeks I’ll add sugar to the juice and then wait a few months while it does it’s magic. Stay tuned…

What sort of footwear do you wear to write your blog? I read a review of a book on blogging recently…6 years ago there were 100,000 blogs…today there are 184 million!!!