Small mugs – 3/4lb.
The air is cool and clear and my energy is high. I had a ‘stay-cation’ last week…spending a lot of my time in the studio instead at the beach house that I rented at Buxton on the Outer Banks. Hurricane Irene removed serious chunks of the rather delicate road leading there, so, no holiday at the beach. I would most certainly have enjoyed myself, but I was completely happy to make lots and lots of pots and stay away from LibertyTown. I aim to keep up the pace as I’m hoping to fill the kiln twice before the year passes.
Large mugs – 1 1/2lb.
So, I have more pottery pet peeves than I would ever admit, but here’s one I’ve probably blogged about before. As Hollis recently referenced, I call the little ball of clay that I place at the apex of the handle of a mug a “dustcatcher”. I think that the phrase comes from an old college professor. I like both the look and the feel of this, but it drives me crazy when potters put a great big honking ball of clay at that point. I admire subtlety on this subject! Here below is another way to accomplish the same idea. Instead of a little ball of clay, I place a tiny coil across the width of the handle, then blend it in with three strokes of my thumb.
I’ve been giving the bees their space for a while. After losing the old queen and observing as a new one slowly re-envigorated the hive, I then learned that they got a lot meaner in the heat of the summer and suffered from a few (maybe more than a few) stings. I’m not overly allergic, but I certainly have a strong reaction! This is the hive with the top ‘super’ set aside. You can see all the bees down the middle…I’m waiting for the autumn honey flow and hoping that they will eventually spread out towards the edges, storing more honey for the winter.
Look real close to see two young deer. I got to watch them for a long time. |
The woods as I drive in to the studio are full of these mushrooms. I’ve no idea what they are, but it’s almost spooky! If you look closely below, you can see them spread all over. These woods were logged about 10 years ago and there are stumps at the base of all of them. We’ have had some serious rain for this time of year…