Photographic Endeavors

Photography has always been a week link in my pottery career. I’ve never been interested in learning…nor have I ever found a local photographer that could really do the job. So, with the inspiration of fellow bloggers John Tilton and John Glick I am beginning to teach this old dog a new trick. See the benefits of blogging?! It’s given me courage!
The shots below are done with my inexpensive point and shoot. I still need to replace my stolen camera, but I am encouraged by these first efforts. The pots are from my last firing…ol’#5. Feedback welcome.

7 Responses to “Photographic Endeavors”

  1. Incognito

    I have found blogging to be of tremendous benefit for different reasons, but the feedback and cameraderie are wonderful sides! Purely from a non-professional standpoint, the pottery is beautiful in shape and color. Lovely.

  2. Hollis Engley

    Hey, Dan. I think you’ve got it figured out. Didn’t take much, did it? With digital cameras and inexpensive lighting setups available, there’s no reason to pay wild amounts of money to photograph single pots. Other than, of course, supporting your local photographer. But for clearly and pleasingly documenting the best pots in a firing, or getting off entries to shows, this works really well. Nice job.

  3. brandon phillips

    one of the great benefits of blogging to me was finding john glicks blog about making your own light box, which i built and have gotten great results from, very inexpensively. i think your photos look great for a point and shoot. you should go make some pots.


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