New Year – Old Pots

Over at the Whynot Pottery blog, Meredith and Mark have lost leave of their senses and have written a very flattering description of their visit to Fredericksburg last week. They have obviously ‘drunk the kool-aid‘ and fallen under my spell! Thanks so much for the visit and the too kind words. More reasons to love this blogging world.
Last year at this time I was making my way to the studio to make a point that I was a potter, no longer a patient. A year later I am as strong and healthy as ever and looking forward to another busy year with the arrival of a new apprentice later this week and the arrival of Doug and Hannah for a workshop tour in April and a visit to New York City for my birthday later this month.
I hope that you also have big plans for a great year!
I thought I’d show some off some earlier work from time to time.
Salt glazed charger. Arizona State University, circa 1976.
Sorry about the copper red, Hollis, I didn’t know better back then! 
Soup Tureens/Ladles. Artistic photo!? Circa 1980
Baking Dish. I didn’t keep a brush in my hand for long. 1980