
11-9-47  “It will be some time before I can find time to reply. Visitors are incessant & correspondence so heavy that I cannot get more than 1/3 of my workshop hours for actual pot making. If I send you photos & publications etc. can I depend upon their early return-some are irreplaceable & all take time to get out?”
Sincerely, Bernard Leach

I have previously stated on this here blog that I am the luckiest man you’ll know…certainly the richest…and while I don’t do a lot of gift exchanging at Christmas, there are a few treats this year that are worth noting. The post card above is a real treasure…Bernard Leach complaining just like I do…never enough time to make pots! (you’ll have to ask Hollis to tell you the story about Leach that Byron Temple told us years ago!?!)

Life is good anytime a package shows up delivered by the Royal Mail. This one arrived courtesy of that wee red-headed lass in Scotland…strong tea, ornaments for all the friends that she made here (and Kit Kats!) Thank you, my dear!
Any day spent with Ellie is a gift!
Years ago when I had a big black beard a friend made a bunch of ‘Dan Santas’. I drag this one out most years.

I’m tempted to write something sentimental here about ALL the gifts that come my way each day, but let’s not get weepy here. I am feeling very grateful these days for all kinds of things, including those of you who take the time to visit with me here.