Bredon Hill

Conderton is one of the villages sometimes referred to as a ‘string of pearls’ that encircle Bredon Hill. The hill rises to almost 1,000ft. and stands apart from the Cotswold range to the east, although it’s geology is certainly related, and the Malvern Hills to the west. It has several ‘standing stones’ and Bronze Age barrows, three Iron Age forts, a Norman castle ruins and a ‘folly’. It is a popular place to hike and if you go straight up the hill from here you will find the remains of a Roman hill fort. It’s not unusual to find shards of Roman samian-ware, which was very finely made pottery. The views from the top are fantastic and I’ll take some photos next time I go up. In the meantime, I took a drive around the hill a couple of evenings ago. It’s a route that bicyclists often take. Here are a few of the sights along the way.