And Now, for Something Completely Different!


My earliest work with clay tended toward the sculptural…I love this material…from industrial sanitary ware to the roughest of sculptural forms and most things in between. I left college (after 3 attempts) because I didn’t see a future for the work I was doing and the only other option that I could see was to pursue a teaching job. But I was certain that I wouldn’t fit in the world of academia very well, and I didn’t think that I would be fulfilled by that career. So I left….and in one of those unlooked for opportunities that life sometimes presents, I found myself working at the Winchcombe Pottery. I thought that I was going to England to follow the girl of my dreams (gorilla my dreams), but instead I found a way forward that has suited me all these years since. I love making pots that my friends and customers can use as part of their everyday lives and I particularly enjoy the challenge of making useful pots with personality. Truth be told, as long as I’m making something I am content.

But in spite of a 40 year career as a potmaker, I never completely gave up on the more abstract ideas that first got me excited about ceramics. Lately, that sculptural instinct has led me to the birds that I’ve been making for a few years now, and I continue to be amused by the possibilities that they present.

Now, I’m stuck at home for a bit, recovering from hernia surgery and trying to catch up on some paperwork and some other quieter projects. That includes taking some photos of some older work. I’ve probably posted some of these before, but they are oldies but goodies as the saying goes. I have only exhibited this work once before, but I’d like to find a venue to show them off again one day. Any ideas? I have been making things like this since my earliest days. My first pottery book was Paulus Berenson’s “Finding One’s Way with Clay” and I used to do a lot of the ‘exercises’ he suggested. I’ve was very fortunate to spend some time with him at Penland, but I don’t think I’ve ever told him about this body of work that he inspired. The pinched bowls that he makes today are stunning!

Tomorrow I’m going to go real ‘old school’ on you!