Poultry on the Lam

Once I turn down the dirt road to my studio I’m entering a very different world. It’s a mile or so down a rough, potholed track that traverses farm fields of corn, soybeans and right now, winter wheat. Halfway in the woods take over and there is always good wildlife viewing here. Wild turkey and deer, rabbits and hawks are common. Wet, discouraged chickens, however, are a rare sight. The last two days I’ve come upon these two forlorn chickens on the edge of the woods. There are a lot of geese migrating back north these days…perhaps they are en route?! I’m not sure where they could have come from. Today they were absent, but as I left this evening I saw a critter that resembled a coyote/dog cross the field in the same general vicinity.

I’ve been getting to the studio regularly and the pots are flying off my fingers. I’ve got these 9 seven pounders to slip and glaze tomorrow. Made in two parts. The two in front get lids.

I continue to be on a bottle kick and these little guys are made with one pound. I could make them for days and I really like them with the face sprigs.

I also finished up a dozen bread plates and a dozen soup bowls. These all have a kaolin slip on them and are inspired by a beautiful pie dish from the last firing. I love revisiting the old combing tricks. This slip sets up beautifully on the leatherhard pots and allows me to move a little slower than I have in the past. I feel like I’m making a ‘cleaner’ pattern this way. Anyway, I like them a lot. I should take a photo to show, but the comb is just a piece of a flexible plastic lid cut with teeth of various sizes and spacings.

4 Responses to “Poultry on the Lam”

  1. Hollis Engley

    What I want to know is … what discourages a chicken? Low poultry prices? Expansion of Popeye’s franchises?
    Got the pots last night, Dan. They look great. And yes, that subtle pink shino is lovely.

  2. Incognito

    Your observations of everyday life are so simple and yet so readable. I would love a whole set of your plates (someday). The slipwork makes them extra special. Thank you.


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