Tobacco Jars

Almost everything I’ve made since getting a new start in January has been extra labor-intensive and I’ve been quite content to roll with it. But I’ve been promising myself that I’d begin some serious throwing and then I don’t, instead I carry on the bird and tree theme. But as you’ll see at the end here, I did warm up with a few bowls. Tomorrow’s challenge is 36 by 6 (pm that is).
 In the meantime, I revisited my homage to the Martin Bros. tobacco jars ((loyal readers will recall that I made the first one last spring).  It’s made from 3 thrown parts and LOTS of little balls o’ clay. The beak is my favorite part. This one will get a crackle slip and some ash based glazes. It’s a bit of a rip off, but it sure is fun! And I’m obsessed with the birds…it might be a reaction to the snow covered ground and the company of birds that I’m feeding at the studio.
I did make another tree, this one starting with a thrown base and why didn’t I think of upside down birds before?
This shape is my version of a Winchcombe salad bowl form. Mine emphasize the change of form and really define several planes, where WP bowls are rounder and softer. Emphasizing and defining the point where forms change is an essential element of my work. I’ll take better photos tomorrow…the light was fading.

7 Responses to “Tobacco Jars”

  1. Incognito

    So glad to see the bowls coming again; I so love bowls. I think I’m going to attempt some texture like that soon. And the bird is terrific; he’s kind of stoic, but I still like him.

  2. cookingwithgas

    He is wonderful!
    These birds always reminded me of my father, who was a newspaper man with lots of circles under his eyes.
    I can’t tell you why- but they make me think of him.
    I like those upside down birds and there is always room for them coming out of branches.
    Bowls are lovely.

  3. cindy shake

    Wonderful, all just wonderful! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your bird tobacco jar -the beak is also my favorite part. Yes, I just saw a Nuthatch on a birch tree outside my studio window!! He was climbing all around this branch looking for a tasty treat!


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