Blogpost #501

One of many happy moments in 2012… my first swarm!
I have neglected you, gentle reader, and Hannah has shamed me into returning to the keyboard here and saying a few words. The last year, like every other, has been full and productive and I find that it gets harder to remember what actually happened in any given year. I’d like to call it living in the moment, but it’s more likely creeping senility as the old brain cells slowly fade!
Nowadays, I can just look back at my old blog posts and be reminded of all that has transpired. 
Very handy!!!
So, here’s a few highlights:
Started the new salt kiln 
(update ; most of the brickwork is done, we need to cast a key in the arch.)
Taught a workshop at University of Mary Washington
Released the DVD of the movie made about me.
(copies still available!)
Hosted the Kline/Philbeck Roadshow at LibertyTown
Chased a bunch of swarming bees all spring long!
Fired # 12 in the woodkiln.
Spent the summer in Britain: 
(w-a-y too much to relate here…check out June and July and August blog posts where you’ll read about red clay and cups of tea and beer and cider etc.)
Firing # 13
Recovered from ‘Pottery on the Hill’
Resumed making pot s for a rare February firing.
And here we are are back in the moment. I need to buy a new vehicle and I’m thinking about getting a Ford Transit Connect. An interesting small van. But it might not serve all my needs, as there are big things planned for 2013 and you’ll have to stay tuned to get the news. I promise that I won’t make you wait a month. I am really enjoying my time in the studio. I have been able to keep my focus through all the holiday revelry and stay in the groove.
I hope that you are fit and optimistic for the year that lies ahead of us. Make good pots and have some adventure!
Pedestal Bowls