It’s a Green World

Our beautiful springtime weather continues, a perfect time to be turning one’s mind to packing a kiln and the river of fire that is soon to come.  I added a few extra days to my loading schedule to account for bird decorating/glazing…just not nearly enough. I’ve been waxing, slipping, waxing, glazing and often waxing and glazing again! (What monster have I created?!) So I’m already planning on pushing everything back a day. I don’t enjoy the pressure of frantic pottery making anymore. I take my time, getting everything just so, and try to savor the moments. It’s made even better by setting up shop under my new shed roof, enjoying the breeze.
It’s always hard to stop making pots…years ago it was true when I had a 4 week making cycle and it remains true today when I can take 3-4 months to fill the kiln. 
These were the last pots I was able to finish. I wish I could have made lots more of them.
A cup that you have to drain before putting it down?!…

I’ve been threatening to build a smaller gas-fired salt kiln for some time and Jason has been digging the footer before the ground turns to concrete as summer approaches.

     The bees are flourishing!

Some of the pots that are waiting to learn their fate. 
“Which chamber will he put me in” they ask. 
“Do you think he’ll over reduce the top again?” 
“Am I to be sacrificed at the bagwall?”
All will be revealed in a little more than a week.