Caption Contest

Here’s a scene from the farm today that deserves a better title than I can come up this weary evening. Any suggestions?

Today was near perfect. Beautiful spring weather and an entire day to spend in the studio. 22 pots to finish – 44 handles. I almost counted the # of sprigs , but I resisted. But I do wonder…how many little tiny balls of clay the size of a cooked grain of rice can a man make in a day? I really liked a round vase from the last firing so I made a whole bunch of variations on that theme. Putting them together takes about twice as much time as throwing them. I am deliberate these days in how I do that. I like both processes…throwing takes more focus for me, finishing/handbuilding is more relaxed. And all of it is good when listening to the Piedmont blues, drinking cups of tea and watching the goldfinches at the feeder, sometimes 7 at the same time.

5 Responses to “Caption Contest”

  1. Elizabeth Seaver

    I am glad it was such a good day to make pots!

    Freaky Friday for the picture title. That is a one-in-a-million shot! I laughed out loud when I saw it!


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