Amusing Myself

The first pottery book I ever owned was “Finding One’s Way with Clay” by Paulus Behrenson and it turned me into a pinch pot junkie for years. I used to use his various exercises when I taught and it was a real pleasure to meet Paulus himself at Penland a number of years ago.
These figures are made of pinch pots assembled and ‘rolled’ and I often go back to them when a new cycle needs starting.

My early years in clay (when I was in college) were split between making raku sculpture and throwing useful pots on the wheel. 35 years later I still wander back and forth between the two although ‘professionally’ I’ve never done much with the sculpture…I’d like to find a venue one day. The problem is that I don’t do enough to promote my functional work let alone start another campaign.
It’s amazing to me that I can continue to find new directions within such a small idea…stacking little rocks that can conjure up images of people or prehistoric sites…part of the trick is a feeling of balance. They are fragile until fired because the joints are minimal. I ought to stack them over metal rods, but where’s the challenge in that?
First I make a bunch of parts. Then I arrange and rearrange before sticking them together.

When things go awry I try to attempt something new so it’s not as much a waste. I threw these ovals just before I came to terms with surgery and they were too dry to put bottoms in when I got back so I goofed around with slip. I made a huge comb from a scrap from a door sweep…perhaps a bit too wide.

The weather continues to be frigid and it’s comforting to know that Doug and Hannah and Hollis and Michael and Toff are all enduring the same. As they say in England , the weather is ‘bracing’ and I like it!