Bandana via Warrenton

I wanted to share some photos before this event joins my line-up of sweet memories…
Naomi and Michael’s pots

Several week-ends ago I drove over to the home and studio of Warren Frederick and Catherine White. They were hosting an afternoon potluck/demonstration/sale with Michael Hunt and Naomi Dalglish for a group of pottery lovers from Washington, DC. Michael demonstrated the making of a Korean “Ongii” pot, traditionally used to make kimchee. It was a wonderful to see!

These beautifully made slabs, thrown and stretched on the floor, are then shaped in an arc before being joined to the slab base that he’s pounding out below.

 The arc creates the rudimentary flared shape of a pot and a second on top curves in towards a neck.

Here he is adding a coil to draw the neck in further. I didn’t get a picture of the hammer and anvil paddling that did most of the shaping, it was too captivating to remember.

Michael is kicking the wheel the whole time. It looks like he’s throwing here, but that would be a bit of an exaggeration. The paddling makes for very strong walls that can be stretched thin as a result.

Warren and Catherine’s anagama kiln
A studio scene

9 years ago I taught a kiln building workshop with Kevin Crowe at Penland…Warren and Catherine were our guest artists, Naomi was one of our students and it was there that she and Michael met! And we 5 will all be exhibiting together this fall at the “POTTERY ON THE HILL” show in October (with 10 other great potters!).
My own pots don’t owe a lot to asian ceramics, but I love most anything made out of clay and it is always inspiring to around folks who are masters of their materials.

7 Responses to “Bandana via Warrenton”

  1. Hannah

    Oh wow, bet that was a fab day. I’d love to have seen those two demonstrate, I really really enjoyed visiting Michael and Naomi’s place last year. Blew my mind!

  2. Joe Troncale

    Those pictures are really facinating!!!
    I love Korean food. Now I have to make a pot like that! (in my dreams) but it is really neat to see two slabs connected in that way. I would never have been smart enough to think of that…

  3. John

    Dan – what a great post! Loved seeing the process of Michael’s. The show in the fall sounds exciting – I hope I get a chance to see it. Cheers!


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